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- Cabanis, Pierre J. G. - French materialist philosopher: Deathday
- Cabot, Sebastian: His attempt to find
a northern passage
- C�sar, Julius: Biography, Birthday
- Cade, Jack - Leader of a peasant rebellion in England: Deathday
- Cadogan, Sarah: Mother of
Lady Sarah Lennox
- Cagliostro, Alexander - Remarkable impostor: Biography
- Cagnola, Marquis Luigi - Distinguished Italian architect: Deathday
- Calamy, Edmund - Eminent Puritan divine: Deathday
- Calas,Jean:Tradegy of the Calas
- Calcott, Augustus Wall - Landscape painter: Deathday
- Caligula, Caius C�sar - Roman emperor: Birthday
- Caius, John - Physician and author, founder of Caine College: Deathday
- Calis, Jean: - Broken on the wheel: Deathday
- Calhoun, John Caldwell - American statesman: Biography, Birthday
- Callcott, John Wall - Musician: Deathday
- Callot, Jacques - Eminent engraver: Deathday
- Calmet, Augustine - Biblical commentator: Deathday
- Calmly, Edmund - Nonconformist divine: Birthday, Deathday
- Calvert, Bernard: On his
ride of 142 miles in one day
- Calvert, George - Lord Baltimore: Deathday
- Calvin, John - Theologian: Biography, Birthday
- Cambac�bres, Jean Jacques Regis - Eminent lawyer and statesman: Deathday
- Cambrensis, Giraldus: Re
the custom of wearing signs by Canterbury pilgrims
- Camden, William - English historical antiquary: Birthday, Deathday
- Camerarius, Joachim - German Protestant scholar: Deathday
- Campanella, Tomasso - Dominican metaphysician and politician: Birthday, Deathday
- Campbell, Archibald - Ninth Earl of Argyle: Deathday
- Campbell, George - Theologian: Deathday
- Campbell, John - Historical writer: Birthday, Deathday
- Campbell, John - Missionary to South Africa: Deathday
- Campbell, Jolla Lord - Lord Chancellor of England: Deathday
- Campbell, Thomas - Poet: Biography, Deathday
- Campbell, Peter: On a passage
in his will
- Camper, Peter - Anatomist: Birthday,
- Campion, William: On his
garrisoning of Boarstall House
- Camus, Charles Etienne Louis - Mathematician and author: Birthday
- Canmore, Malcolm - King of Scotland: Deathday
- Canning, George - Statesman: Birthday, Biography
- Cannon, Kitty: Her love affair
with James Dalmeny
- Canova, Antonio - Celebrated sculptor: Deathday
- Canton, John - Electrician: Deathday
- Capet, Hugh - King of France: Deathday
- Caraccioli, Francesco - Neapolitan patriot: Deathday
- Cardan, Jerome - Physician: Biography
- Careless, William: On his
role in aiding Charles I escape from Cromwell
- Carew, Nicholas: Deathday
- Carey, Lucius - Lord Falkland, royalist statesman: Deathday
- Carey, William - Missionary and oriental scholar: Birthday
- Carleton, John:
- Carlos, Don - Son of Philip II of Spain: Biography
- Carmichael, Richard - Writer on medical subjects: Deathday
- Carnan, Thomas: On winning the
right to publish almanacs
- Carne, John - Miscellaneous writer: Deathday
- Carey, Henry - Musician and a music-composer: Biography, Deathday
- Carpenter, Lent - Theologian: Deathday
- Carpenter, R. C. - Architect: Birthday
- Carr, Robert: His rise to power
under James I & affair with the Countess of Essex
- Carrel, Armand - French political writer: Deathday
- Carte, Thomas - Historian: Deathday
- Carter, Elizabeth - Classical scholar: Birthday, Deathday
- Carew, George:His role in
clearing the fields James I hunted in of people
- Carey, Henry - Musician: Deathday
- Carrier, Jean Baptiste - Revolutionary terrorist: Deathday
- Cartouche: Celebrated robber: Deathday
- Cartwright, Edmund - Inventor of the power loom: Birthday, Deathday
- Cartwright, Thomas - Puritan divine: Deathday
- Cary, Elizabeth: On her
support for the Charles II while he was a fugitive
- Cary, Henry Francis - Translator of Dante: Deathday
- Cary, Robert: On his 400 mile
ride to tell King James of Queen Elizabeth's Death
- Casaubon, Isaac - Learned scholar, editor of ancient classics: Birthday, Deathday
- Casaubon, Meric - Learned and controversial writer: Birthday, Deathday
- Cassini, James - Astronomer: Birthday
or Birthday, Deathday
- Castalio, Sebastian - Scholar and controversialist: Deathday
- Castiglione, Baldassarre - Diplomatist and man of letters: Birthday, Deathday
- Catesby, Robert: His role
in the Gunpowder plot
- Cathcart, George - General Sir: Birthday
- Cato, Marcus: Deathday
- Cauchy, Augustin Louis - Mathematician: Birthday
- Cave, Edward: Birthday, Deathday
- Cave, William - Eminent scholar and divine: Deathday
- Cavendish, Charles: On his
role in the death of Robert Pierrepoint, Earl of Kingston
- Cavendish, Henry - Amateur chemist: Deathday, Biography
- Cavendish, William - second Earl of Devonshir: Deathday
- Caverley, Hugh - Silk-weaver: The Nine Worthies of London
- Caxton, William - First printer of books in 'English': Biography
- Cecil, Henry: On his
wooing of Sarah Countess of Exeter
- Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury - Minister to James I: Birthday, Deathday
- Cecil, William - Lord Burleigh: Birthday, Deathday
- Cellini, Benvenuto - Florentine sculptor: Birthday, Deathday
- Centlivre, Susanne - Dramatist: Biography
- Ceram, Thomas Captain: His role in
founding of the Foundling Hospital in London
- Chalmers, Thomas: Birthday, Deathday
- Chaloner, Thomas - Statesman and writer: Deathday
- Chamberlain, John:
- Chambers Ephraim - (Cyclopoedia): Deathday or Deathday
- Chambers, William - Architect:
- Champmele, Mademoiselle - Celebrated French actress: Deathday
- Chancellor, Richard: His
role in the attempt to find a northern passage
- Chandler, Samuel: Deathday
- Chanibre, Allan: On the
benefits of medicinal springs
- Chantrey, Francis - Sculptor: Birthday
- Chapone, Hester - Moral writer: Birthday
- Charles, Jolm - Chancellor of the Exchequer (1830-4): Birthday
- Charlotte, Sophia: On her
friendship with Leibnitz
- Chatterton, Thomas - Poet: Biography,
- Chaucer, Geoffrey - Poet: Biography
- Cheeton, William: His role in
establishing the first royal Exchange
- Cheke, John - Learned writer: Birthday
- Cherry, Francis: His grave
- Cheselden, William - Anatomist: Deathday
- Chetham, Humphrey: On his
bequeathing of his fortune for a school for the poor
- Cheyne, George - Eminent physician: On his vegetable & milk
- Cheyney, Thomas: On his
being given the monastic buildings at Faversham
- Child, Benjamin: 'The Berkshire
Lady's Garland'
- Chillingworth, William: Deathday
- Chlorus, Constantius - Roman emperor: Deathday
- Choke, John - Eminent Greek scholar: Deathday
- Chopin, Frederic - Musical composer: Deathday
- Christina, Maria - Consort of Ferdinand VII, of Spain: Birthday
- Chubb, Thomas - Wiltshire divine: Deathday
- Chudleigh, Elizabeth - Duchess of Kingston: Biography
- Churchill, Charles - Satirical poet: Biography
- Churchill, John - Duke of Marlborough: Birthday, Deathday
- Cibber, Colley - Dramatist: Birthday,
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Roman orator: Biography
- Cimarosa, Dominic - Musician: Deathday
- Cinq-Mars - Favourite of Louis XIII: Biography
- Clarges, John: On the marriage of
his daughter Anne to General Monk
- Clanford, Coton: Birthday
- Clairhaut, Alexis Claude - Mathematician: Deathday
- Clairon, Clara: Deathday
- Clapperton, Hugh - Traveler: Deathday
- Clark, Daniel: On his murder by
Eugene Aram & Richard Housman
- Clarke, Adam - Eminent divine and author: Deathday
- Clarke, Charles Cowden: On the school he kept that
John Keats attended
- Clarke, Edward Daniel - Traveler: Deathday
- Clarke, Mary Anne: Deathday
- Clarke, Samuel - Theological writer: Birthday, Deathday
- Clay, Henry - American statesman: Birthday, Biography
- Claypole, John - Son-in-law of Oliver Cromwell: Description of him
- Cleland, James: His
reintroduction of snakes into Ireland
- Clementi, Muzio - Celebrated pianist: Deathday
- Clemm, Virginia: On her
marriage to her cousin, Edgar Allen Poe
- Cleveland, John - Poet: Biography
- Clifford, Anne - Countess of Pembroke: Deathday
- Clifford, Henry - The Shepherd Lord: Biography
- Clifford, Lewis: His
directions respecting his burial
- Clint, George - Artist: Deathday
- Clive, Catharine - Celebrated comic actress: Deathday
- Clive, Robert - Founder of the British empire in India: Birthday, Deathday
- Cobbett, William - Political writer: Biography, Deathday
- Cockburn, Catherine - Poetess: Birthday, Deathday
- Cockburn, Henry - Author of Memorials of Edinburgh: Deathday
- Cockburn, Thomas: The
siege & surrender of Hume Castle
- Codrington, Edward - Naval commander: Deathday
- Codrington, William: On
his wager with Mr. Pigot as to who should first die
- Coffin, Charles - French poet: Deathday
- Coke, Edward: On his prosecution
of Sir Walter Raleigh
- Coles, Margaret: On her begging
despite her richness
- Coke, Edward - Lord Chief Justice: Birthday, Deathday
- Colardean, Charles - French dramatic writer: Deathday
- Colbert, Jean Baptiste - Celebrated minister of finance to Louis XIV: Deathday
- Colburn, Zerah: On his
extraordinary ability to do math calculations
- Cole, Mark: On his conviction for
being part of Mohock gang
- Colet, Dean (John): Deathday
- Collingwood - Admiral: Birthday, Biography
- Colman, George (the elder) - Dramatist: Deathday
- Coleman, George - Poet:
- Coleridge, Hartley: On
the nature of Nightingales
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Poet: Biography
- Colley, Arthur - Duke of Wellington: Biography
- Colley, Richard - Marquis Wellesley, statesman: Deathday
- Colley, Thomas: On his role in
the murder of Ruth Osborne
- Collier, Jeremy - Writer against the stage: Birthday, Deathday
- Collingwood - Admiral, Lord: Short Biography
- Collins, Anthony - Freethinking writer: Birthday, Deathday
- Collins, John - Accountant: Birthday
- Collins, William - Poet: Birthday, Short Biography
- Collins, William - Artist: Birthday
- Colquhoun, Patrick - Writer on police and social improvements: Deathday
- Colman, George - Dramatist and humorous writer: Birthday
- Colridge, S. T.: Christmas customs
as observed In Germany
- Columbus, Christopher: Deathday
- Combe, Andrew - Eminent physiologist Birthday
- Combe, George - Phrenologist: Birthday, Biography
- Comefirst, George: His
role in Garatt's 1768 election
- Commodus, Roman emperor: Deathday
- Comnena, Anna - Historian: Birthday
- Compton, Spencer - Earl of Northampton: Deathday
- Comte, Auguste - Philosophical writer: Deathday
- Conder, Josiah - Editor and miscellaneous writer: Deathday
- Congreve, William - Poet: Deathday
- Congreve, William - Bart., Inventor of warlike missiles: Deathday
- Constable, John - Landscape painter: Deathday
- Conybeare, Dean - Geologist: Deathday
- Conybeare, John - Bishop: Deathday
- Conyngesby, Humphrey: On
his sister's recording of life in the early 1600's
- Cook, James, Captain - Explorer: Birthday, Biography
- Cooke, Anthony: On his four
- Coombe, William - Novelist and comic poet: Deathday
- Cooper, Anthony Ashley, first Earl of Shaftesbury: Birthday
- Cooper, Anthony - Earl of Shaftesbury: Birthday
- Cooper, Astley Paston - Surgeon to the Queen: Birthday, Biography
- Cooper, Bransby: On the
treatment of grave robbers
- Cooper, Mary: People who have lived
100 years
- Cooper, Miles: On the
strewing of churches floors with straw and rushes
- Cooper, James Fenimore - American novelist: Birthday, Deathday
- Cooper, John Gilbert - Poet: Deathday
- Cooper, Samuel: Deathday
- Coote, Eyre - Military commander: Deathday
- Copernicus, Nicholas: Birthday, Deathday
- Corbet, Richard - Bishop of Norwich, humorous poet: Deathday
- Corday, Charlotte: Deathday
- Corelli, Archangelo - Founder of the ancient school of violinists: Short Biography
- Corneille, Pierre - French dramatist: Birthday, Deathday
- Corneille, Thomas - Dramatist, brother of Pierre: Deathday
- Cornelys, Teresa - Entertainer: Story
of her parties
- Cornwallis, Marquis - Indian commander: Birthday
- Correggio, Antonio Allegri - Painter: Deathday
- Cortes, Hernan - Conqueror of Mexico: Deathday
- Corvehill, William: On his
role as a bell maker
- Coryat, Tom: On his book on the
nature of traveling mistrials
- Costel, William: re Dinner part
attended by Swedenborg
- Cotter, Patrick: Story
on his large size
- Cotton, Charles - Poet: Biography
- Cotton, Robert: Biography,
- Courier, Paul - French novelist: Deathday
- Courten, William - Traveler and virtuoso: Deathday
- Cousin, Victor - Moral philosopher: Birthday
- Coutts, Thomas - Banker: Deathday
- Coverdale, Miles - Translator of the Scriptures: Deathday
- Coventry, Andrew: Short story
on his long life
- Coventry, George: On his
witnessing the the disinterment of John Hampden
- Coventry, William: On his maiming
by the order of Charles II
- Cowley, Abraham - Metaphysical poet: Deathday
- Cowley, Hannah - Dramatic writer: Deathday
- Cowley, Richard - Actor: Deathday
- Cowper, William - Clerk of House of Commons - On end of Lord Lovel
- Cowper, William - Poet: Birthday, Deathday
- Cox, Richard - Lord Chancellor of Ireland: Birthday
- Cox, Watty: On his attempt to harm
the equestrian statue of King William
- Crab, Roger - Crazy sectary: Biography
- Cranmer, Thomas - Archbishop: Biography, Birthday
- Crassus, Lucius - Orator: Deathday
- Crassus, Marcus Licinius - Roman triumvir: Deathday
- Craven, William - Founder of charitable institutions: Biography
- Crawford, Sharman - Irish political character: Deathday
- Creech, Thomas - Translator of Roman poets into English verse: Deathday
- Cressiac, George: On
his role in the 1685 battle of Zutphen
- Cressingham, Treasurer: Deathday
- Creswell, Edward: His letter
detailing the nature of Jean Paul Marat
- Crichton, Admirable: Deathday
- Crinitus, Marcus Ulpius Trajanus (Trojan) - Roman emperor: Deathday
- Crispe, Nicholas - Guinea trader: Deathday
- Crichton, James - Celebrated scholar: Birthday
- Croft, Herbert: Deathday
- Croker, Christopher: The Nine Worthies of
- Croker, John Wilson - Tory politician and reviewer: Birthday, Deathday
- Croker, Thomas Crofton - Author of Irish Fairy Tales: Birthday, Deathday
- Croly, George - Poet, and romance writer: Deathday
- Crombie Alexander - Educationist: Deathday
- Crompton, Alexander: On his
lameness that prevented him fro going to church
- Crompton, Samuel - Inventor of spinning machine: Biography, Deathday
- Cromwell, Elizabeth - Widow of Oliver Cromwell: Biography
- Cromwell, Henry - Fourth son of the Protector: Deathday
- Cromwell, Henry - First cousin to Oliver Cromwell: His royalist leanings
- Cromwell, Oliver - Protector of England: Birthday, Deathday
- Cromwell, Susan - Great-great-granddaughter of the Protector: Short Biography
- Cromwell, Richard - Son of the Protector: Birthday
- Cromwell, Thomas - Earl of Essex: Biography
- Cromwell, Richard - ex-Protector of the three kingdoms: Biography
- Crosse, Andrew - Electrician: Birthday, Short Biography
- Crotch, William - Musical composer: Deathday, Biography
- Crouch Nathaniel - Bookseller: On his effort of popularizing
- Crousaz, Jean Pierre - Swiss divine, philosopher, and mathematician: Birthday
- Crowder, John: Re Warwick
- Crowquill, Alfred - Poet: Scatter Out Your
- Croxall, Samuel - Fabulist: Deathday
- Cruden, Alexander - Author of the Concordance: Biography
- Cugoana, Attobah - Painter: Short biography
- Cudworth, Ralph - English 'latitudinarian' divine: Deathday
- Cullen, William - Illustrious professor of medicine: Birthday, Deathday
- Cumberland, Richard - Bishop of Peterborough: Birthday, or Birthday
- Cumberland, Richard - English dramatist: Birthday, Deathday
- Cummin, Peter - Day laborer: Reputed to
be a hundred and twenty years old
- Cunningham, Alexander - Historian: Deathday
- Cunningham, Allan - Poet and miscellaneous writer: Deathday
- Cunningham, Robert - Eminent public character in Ireland : Deathday
- Curchod, Susan: On her
relationship to Edward Gibbon
- Curran, John Philpot - Distinguished Irish barrister: Short Biography, Deathday
- Currie, James - Miscellaneous writer: Birthday, Deathday
- Czartoryski, Adam - Polish patriot: Birthday, Deathday